Frank Dornheim dd960dcf4e
Restructure role, add Systemd timer option. By @conloos (#112)
* add full path

* Update reorder optional Arguments, update cron -> systemd timer

* remove ssh_key_file; change cron to timer

* Removed cronie from package installation because systemd timer is used

* - Stops all or selected containers to save the persistent data intact. The containers are started in reverse order

* Created arguments_specs.yml

* Role restructured:
  - if needed creation of a service user incl. creation of the ssh-key,
  - add the ssh key to authorized_keys,
  - auto init of the repos,
  - creation and start of systemd timer and services and
  - installation of the Docker helperscript.

* restructure role add import logic

* cleanup: user backup_user

* - "borg_source_directories" is not longer a required Argument
- add "borg_keys_directory" to load key from Service user during starting borgmatic by sudo

* Add borgmatic_initialization_repo (bool) as option to disable init of repo

* cleanup

* fix ansible-lint errors and warnings

* fix letter turner

* add option: borgmatic_timer

* add:
  - borgmatic_timer_systemd: true
  - borgmatic_cron_name: "borgmatic"

* - renamed borgmatic_cron_name to borgmatic_timer_cron_name to be more convergent.
- Change recommendations implemented by m3nu so that creation of a timer (systemd or cron) is optional and can be selected via borgmatic_timer.

* Add description to borgmatic_timer_cron_name and borgmatic_timer

* Add variable borg_cron_package to install the cron-packages in case of using timer: cron

* reworked timer install logic

* reworked timer install logic

* Add comments for running backup with service account

* add new parameters for tests

* Switch created to perform the backup as root or service account. If a service account is to be used, it will be created.

* Refactored: Check for ssh-key if not present, genereate them.

* Refactored

* Refactored

* renamed tasks/03_configure.yml to tasks/04_create_links_to_borg_and_borgmatic.yml

* Refactored

* Refactored

* add example for service account

* Update Python version for testing

* No auto init

* Add description to install_backup

* Add description to install_backup

* set coverage back to: m3nu.ansible_role_borgbackup

* The initialization of the repository must be activated and does not take place automatically.

* The initialization of the repository must be activated and does not take place automatically.

* Removed install_backup as var (bool) to prevent that this role run

* Rename backup_ssh_command to borg_ssh_command, tis was a double definition

* Renamed backup_repository to borg_repository and add better explanations

* remove copy ssh-keys and cert parts

* Add comments to borg_ssh_key_file and borg_ssh_key_type

* Set allways the borg_ssh_key_file and borg_ssh_command to load the right ssh-key. Add borg_ssh_key_type to select the key type by user

* Add borg_ssh_key_type

* renamed id_rsa to backup

* generate ssh-keys (backup and and add better explanation

* Print out key if borgmatic_initialization_repo is false

* Remove 'su - {{ borgbackup_user }} -c' to execute the borgmatic by the right user

* Add Check frequency, therefore, we no longer need to distinguish between normal and large repos

* Add link to Article

* renamed backup_ssh_command and backup_ssh_key_file to borg_ssh_command and borg_ssh_key_file

* Removed: borgmatic_initialization_repo

* Removed: borgmatic_initialization_repo

* Removed: borgmatic_initialization_repo

* revert changes

* Add Full Automation

* polishing

* rename backup.timer and bakup.service to borgmatic.timer and borgmatic.service

* remove debug

* Try to find services in ansible_facts

* Forgot to install Cron

* change borg_ssh_key_type to ed25519

* remove conditional checks

* - add hint to using a service user
- renamed: borg_ssh_key_file to borg_ssh_key_file_path
- removed advanced example

* add borg_ssh_key_name, renamed borg_ssh_key_file to borg_ssh_key_file_path

* removed static pointing to ~/.ssh/backup SSH private key

* Add for storing more examples

* Fix test idempotence

* Dont symlink when using distro packages

* Remove old test targets, consistent wording, remove tag

* Remove helper scripts, fix absolute path

* Fix cron job, add assert to prevent duplicate timers

* nit-pick

* Create bin links as root, no borg_ssh_command by default.

* Add breaking changes note to README


Co-authored-by: Manu <>
2023-03-28 18:01:12 +01:00

136 lines
6.9 KiB

# Ansible Role: BorgBackup Client
[![Test](]( [![Ansible Galaxy](](
Set up encrypted, compressed and deduplicated backups using [BorgBackup]( and [Borgmatic]( Currently supports Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS/Red Hat/Fedora, Archlinux and Manjaro.
Works great with []( - Simple and Secure Hosting for your Borg Repositories. To manage BorgBase repos via Ansible, also see Andy Hawkins' [BorgBase Collection](
**Main features**
- Install Borg and Borgmatic from PyPi or distro packages
- Set up Borgmatic config
- Schedule regular backups using Cron or Systemd timer
## Breaking changes
- Older versions of this role set up a separate Cron job for creating and checking
backups. With recent Borgmatic version, this feature is now managed in Borgmatic.
As a result the extra Cron job will be removed by this role.
- Older versions of this role only supported Cron for scheduling. If you use
Systemd timers, be sure to remove the Cron job in `/etc/cron.d/borgmatic` first.
The role will also alert you when trying to use both timers.
## Example playbook with root as backup user and Cron timer
- hosts: all
- role: m3nu.ansible_role_borgbackup
borg_encryption_passphrase: CHANGEME
borg_repository: ssh://
- /var/www
- echo "`date` - Starting backup."
- name: users
port: 5433
## Example playbook with service user and Systemd timer
- hosts: all
- role: m3nu.ansible_role_borgbackup
borg_encryption_passphrase: CHANGEME
borg_repository: ssh://
borgmatic_timer: systemd
borg_user: "backupuser"
borg_group: "backupuser"
- /var/www
keep_hourly: 3
keep_daily: 7
keep_weekly: 4
keep_monthly: 6
## Installation
Download from Ansible Galaxy
$ ansible-galaxy install m3nu.ansible_role_borgbackup
Clone latest version from Github
$ git clone roles/ansible_role_borgbackup
## Role Variables
### Required Variables
- `borg_repository`: Full path to repository. Your own server or []( repo.
Can be a list if you want to backup to multiple repositories.
### Optional Variables
- `borg_dep_packages`: Dependency Packages to install `borg(backup)` and `borgmatic`.
- `borg_distro_packages`: contains the names of distributions packages for `borg(backup)` and `borgmatic`, only used if `borg_install_method` is set to `package`.
- `borg_encryption_passcommand`: The standard output of this command is used to unlock the encryption key.
- `borg_encryption_passphrase`: Password to use for repokey or keyfile. Empty if repo is unencrypted.
- `borg_exclude_from`: Read exclude patterns from one or more separate named files, one pattern per line.
- `borg_exclude_patterns`: Paths or patterns to exclude from backup. See [official documentation]( for more.
- `borg_install_method`: By default `pip` is used to install borgmatic. To install via your distributions package manager set this to `package` and (if needed) overwrite the `borg_distro_packages` variable to contain your distributions package names required to install borgmatic. Note that many distributions ship outdated versions of borgbackup and borgmatic; use at your own risk.
- `borg_lock_wait_time`: Config maximum seconds to wait for acquiring a repository/cache lock. Defaults to 5 seconds.
- `borg_one_file_system`: Don't cross file-system boundaries. Defaults to `true`
- `borg_pip_packages`: Dependancy Packages (pip) to install `borg(backup)` and `borgmatic`.
- `borg_remote_path`: Path to the borg executable on the remote. It will default to `borg`.
- `borg_remote_rate_limit`: Remote network upload rate limit in kiBytes/second.
- `borg_retention_policy`: Retention policy for how many backups to keep in each category (daily, weekly, monthly, etc).
- `borg_source_directories`: List of local folders to back up. Default is `/etc/hostname` to prevent an empty backup.
- `borg_ssh_key_name`: Name of the SSH public and pivate key. Default `id_ed25519`
- `borg_ssh_key_file_path`: SSH-key to be used. Default `~/.ssh/{{ borg_ssh_key_name }}`
- `borg_ssh_key_type`: The algorithm used to generate the SSH private key. Choose: `rsa`, `dsa`, `rsa1`, `ecdsa`, `ed25519`. Default: `ed25519`
- `borg_ssh_command`: Command to use instead of just "ssh". This can be used to specify SSH options.
- `borg_version`: Force a specific borg version to be installed
- `borg_venv_path`: Path to store the venv for `borg(backup)` and `borgmatic`
- `borgmatic_check_last`: Number of archives to check. Defaults to `3`
- `borgmatic_checks`: List of consistency checks. Defaults to monthly checks. See [docs]( for all options.
- `borgmatic_config_name`: Name to use for the Borgmatic config file. Defaults to `config.yaml`
- `borgmatic_timer_hour`: Hour when regular create and prune cron/systemd-timer job will run. Defaults to `{{ 6 | random }}`
- `borgmatic_timer_minute`: Minute when regular create and prune cron/systemd-timer job will run. Defaults to `{{ 59 | random }}`
- `borgmatic_hooks`: Hooks to monitor your backups e.g. with [Healthchecks]( See [official documentation]( for more.
- `borgmatic_timer`: If the variable is set, a timer is installed. A choice must be made between `cron` and `systemd`.
- `borgmatic_relocated_repo_access_is_ok`: Bypass Borg error about a repository that has been moved. Defaults to `false`
- `borgmatic_store_atime`: Store atime into archive. Defaults to `true`
- `borgmatic_store_ctime`: Store ctime into archive. Defaults to `true`
- `borgmatic_version`: Force a specific borgmatic version to be installed
- `borg_user`: Name of the User to create Backups (service account)
- `borg_group`: Name of the Group to create Backups (service account)
## Contributing
Pull requests (PR) are welcome, as long as they add features that are relevant for a meaningful number of users. All PRs are tested for style and functionality. To run tests locally (needs Docker):
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ molecule test
## License
## Author
© 2018-2023 Manuel Riel and contributors.