Frank Dornheim dd960dcf4e
Restructure role, add Systemd timer option. By @conloos (#112)
* add full path

* Update reorder optional Arguments, update cron -> systemd timer

* remove ssh_key_file; change cron to timer

* Removed cronie from package installation because systemd timer is used

* - Stops all or selected containers to save the persistent data intact. The containers are started in reverse order

* Created arguments_specs.yml

* Role restructured:
  - if needed creation of a service user incl. creation of the ssh-key,
  - add the ssh key to authorized_keys,
  - auto init of the repos,
  - creation and start of systemd timer and services and
  - installation of the Docker helperscript.

* restructure role add import logic

* cleanup: user backup_user

* - "borg_source_directories" is not longer a required Argument
- add "borg_keys_directory" to load key from Service user during starting borgmatic by sudo

* Add borgmatic_initialization_repo (bool) as option to disable init of repo

* cleanup

* fix ansible-lint errors and warnings

* fix letter turner

* add option: borgmatic_timer

* add:
  - borgmatic_timer_systemd: true
  - borgmatic_cron_name: "borgmatic"

* - renamed borgmatic_cron_name to borgmatic_timer_cron_name to be more convergent.
- Change recommendations implemented by m3nu so that creation of a timer (systemd or cron) is optional and can be selected via borgmatic_timer.

* Add description to borgmatic_timer_cron_name and borgmatic_timer

* Add variable borg_cron_package to install the cron-packages in case of using timer: cron

* reworked timer install logic

* reworked timer install logic

* Add comments for running backup with service account

* add new parameters for tests

* Switch created to perform the backup as root or service account. If a service account is to be used, it will be created.

* Refactored: Check for ssh-key if not present, genereate them.

* Refactored

* Refactored

* renamed tasks/03_configure.yml to tasks/04_create_links_to_borg_and_borgmatic.yml

* Refactored

* Refactored

* add example for service account

* Update Python version for testing

* No auto init

* Add description to install_backup

* Add description to install_backup

* set coverage back to: m3nu.ansible_role_borgbackup

* The initialization of the repository must be activated and does not take place automatically.

* The initialization of the repository must be activated and does not take place automatically.

* Removed install_backup as var (bool) to prevent that this role run

* Rename backup_ssh_command to borg_ssh_command, tis was a double definition

* Renamed backup_repository to borg_repository and add better explanations

* remove copy ssh-keys and cert parts

* Add comments to borg_ssh_key_file and borg_ssh_key_type

* Set allways the borg_ssh_key_file and borg_ssh_command to load the right ssh-key. Add borg_ssh_key_type to select the key type by user

* Add borg_ssh_key_type

* renamed id_rsa to backup

* generate ssh-keys (backup and and add better explanation

* Print out key if borgmatic_initialization_repo is false

* Remove 'su - {{ borgbackup_user }} -c' to execute the borgmatic by the right user

* Add Check frequency, therefore, we no longer need to distinguish between normal and large repos

* Add link to Article

* renamed backup_ssh_command and backup_ssh_key_file to borg_ssh_command and borg_ssh_key_file

* Removed: borgmatic_initialization_repo

* Removed: borgmatic_initialization_repo

* Removed: borgmatic_initialization_repo

* revert changes

* Add Full Automation

* polishing

* rename backup.timer and bakup.service to borgmatic.timer and borgmatic.service

* remove debug

* Try to find services in ansible_facts

* Forgot to install Cron

* change borg_ssh_key_type to ed25519

* remove conditional checks

* - add hint to using a service user
- renamed: borg_ssh_key_file to borg_ssh_key_file_path
- removed advanced example

* add borg_ssh_key_name, renamed borg_ssh_key_file to borg_ssh_key_file_path

* removed static pointing to ~/.ssh/backup SSH private key

* Add for storing more examples

* Fix test idempotence

* Dont symlink when using distro packages

* Remove old test targets, consistent wording, remove tag

* Remove helper scripts, fix absolute path

* Fix cron job, add assert to prevent duplicate timers

* nit-pick

* Create bin links as root, no borg_ssh_command by default.

* Add breaking changes note to README


Co-authored-by: Manu <>
2023-03-28 18:01:12 +01:00

130 lines
3.9 KiB

# Additional Examples
## Custom SSH key for backups only
- hosts: webservers
- role: m3nu.ansible_role_borgbackup
borg_encryption_passphrase: CHANGEME
borg_repository: ssh://
borgmatic_timer: systemd
borg_ssh_key_name: id_backup
borg_ssh_command: "ssh -i {{ borg_ssh_key_file_path }} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new"
borg_user: backupuser
borg_group: backupuser
## Use service user and copy SSH key to target server
Installs and configures the Borgmatic client and also initializes the repo on the
remote backup server. (not tested)
- name: Configure backup
hosts: test.lab
- name: Get home of {{ borg_user }}
name: "{{ borg_user }}"
state: present
register: user_info
changed_when: false
check_mode: true # Important, otherwise user will be created
- name: Save the user_info, we need them for the home_dir
backup_user_info: "{{ user_info }}"
vars_files: []
borg_encryption_passphrase: "CHANGEME"
borg_user: "srv_backup"
borg_group: "srv_backup"
borg_ssh_key_name: id_backup
borg_ssh_command: "ssh -i {{ borg_ssh_key_file_path }} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new"
borgmatic_timer: systemd
- /srv/www
- /var/lib/automysqlbackup
- /srv/www/old-sites
keep_hourly: 3
keep_daily: 7
keep_weekly: 4
keep_monthly: 6
- echo "`date` - Starting backup."
- name: Configure Borg Backup and Backupmatic
- always
- install_backup
name: ansible_role_borgbackup
- always
- name: Copy SSH-Key to Target {{ borg_repository }} and Init Repo
- never
- backup_init_repo
- name: Read ssh key
src: "{{ borg_ssh_key_file_path }}.pub"
register: backup_local_ssh_key
- name: Set authorized key taken from file
# example:
# borg_repository:
# have three parts: "username"@"FQDN":"path/to/store/backup", specific:
# a) user: m5vz9gp4
# b) fqdn:
# c) dir: repo
user: "{{ borg_repository | regex_search('(.*)@', '\\1') | first }}" # part a)
state: present
key: "{{ backup_local_ssh_key['content'] | b64decode }}"
delegate_to: "{{ borg_repository | regex_search('@(.*):', '\\1') | first }}" # part b)
- name: Init repository
cmd: "su - {{ borg_user }} -c '/usr/local/bin/borgmatic rcreate --encryption keyfile --append-only'"
- name: Activate systemd service and timer
- borgmatic_timer is defined and borgmatic_timer == "systemd"
- never
- backup_init_repo
- name: Populate service facts
- name: Start borgmatic services
name: "{{ item }}"
state: started
enabled: true
masked: false
daemon_reload: true
when: "item in services"
- borgmatic.service
# bug: Need own section without masked else the timer are skipped
- name: Start borgmatic timers
name: "{{ item }}"
state: started
enabled: true
daemon_reload: true
- "borgmatic.timer"