gardar 126c45e646
feat: add grafana server role (#48)
Signed-off-by: gardar <>
2023-05-30 23:01:26 -04:00

140 lines
8.1 KiB

<p><img src="" alt="grafana logo" title="grafana" align="right" height="60" /></p>
# Ansible Role: grafana.grafana.grafana
Provision and manage [Grafana]( - platform for analytics and monitoring
## Requirements
- Ansible >= 2.9 (It might work on previous versions, but we cannot guarantee it)
- libselinux-python on deployer host (only when deployer machine has SELinux)
- Grafana >= 5.1 (for older Grafana versions use this role in version 0.10.1 or earlier)
- jmespath on deployer machine. If you are using Ansible from a Python virtualenv, install *jmespath* to the same virtualenv via pip.
## Role Variables
All variables which can be overridden are stored in [defaults/main.yml](defaults/main.yml) file as well as in table below.
| Name | Default Value | Description |
| -------------- | ------------- | -----------------------------------|
| `grafana_use_provisioning` | true | Use Grafana provisioning capability when possible (**grafana_version=latest will assume >= 5.0**). |
| `grafana_provisioning_synced` | false | Ensure no previously provisioned dashboards are kept if not referenced anymore. |
| `grafana_version` | latest | Grafana package version |
| `grafana_manage_repo` | true | Manage package repository (or don't) |
| `grafana_yum_repo` | | Yum repository URL |
| `grafana_yum_key` | | Yum repository gpg key |
| `grafana_rhsm_subscription` | | rhsm subscription name (redhat subscription-manager) |
| `grafana_rhsm_repo` | | rhsm repository name (redhat subscription-manager) |
| `grafana_apt_repo` | deb stable main | Apt repository string |
| `grafana_apt_key` | | Apt repository gpg key |
| `grafana_instance` | {{ ansible_fqdn \| default(ansible_host) \| default(inventory_hostname) }} | Grafana instance name |
| `grafana_logs_dir` | /var/log/grafana | Path to logs directory |
| `grafana_data_dir` | /var/lib/grafana | Path to database directory |
| `grafana_address` | | Address on which Grafana listens |
| `grafana_port` | 3000 | port on which Grafana listens |
| `grafana_cap_net_bind_service` | false | Enables the use of ports below 1024 without root privileges by leveraging the 'capabilities' of the linux kernel. read: |
| `grafana_url` | "http://{{ grafana_address }}:{{ grafana_port }}" | Full URL used to access Grafana from a web browser |
| `grafana_api_url` | "{{ grafana_url }}" | URL used for API calls in provisioning if different from public URL. See [this issue]( |
| `grafana_domain` | "{{ ansible_fqdn \| default(ansible_host) \| default('localhost') }}" | setting is only used in as a part of the `root_url` option. Useful when using GitHub or Google OAuth |
| `grafana_server` | { protocol: http, enforce_domain: false, socket: "", cert_key: "", cert_file: "", enable_gzip: false, static_root_path: public, router_logging: false } | [server]( configuration section |
| `grafana_security` | { admin_user: admin, admin_password: "" } | [security]( configuration section |
| `grafana_database` | { type: sqlite3 } | [database]( configuration section |
| `grafana_welcome_email_on_sign_up` | false | Send welcome email after signing up |
| `grafana_users` | { allow_sign_up: false, auto_assign_org_role: Viewer, default_theme: dark } | [users]( configuration section |
| `grafana_auth` | {} | [authorization]( configuration section |
| `grafana_ldap` | {} | [ldap]( configuration section. group_mappings are expanded, see defaults for example |
| `grafana_session` | {} | [session]( management configuration section |
| `grafana_analytics` | {} | Google [analytics]( configuration section |
| `grafana_smtp` | {} | [smtp]( configuration section |
| `grafana_alerting` | {} | [alerting]( configuration section |
| `grafana_log` | {} | [log]( configuration section |
| `grafana_metrics` | {} | [metrics]( configuration section |
| `grafana_tracing` | {} | [tracing]( configuration section |
| `grafana_snapshots` | {} | [snapshots]( configuration section |
| `grafana_image_storage` | {} | [image storage]( configuration section |
| `grafana_dashboards` | [] | List of dashboards which should be imported |
| `grafana_dashboards_dir` | "dashboards" | Path to a local directory containing dashboards files in `json` format |
| `grafana_datasources` | [] | List of datasources which should be configured |
| `grafana_environment` | {} | Optional Environment param for Grafana installation, useful ie for setting http_proxy |
| `grafana_plugins` | [] | List of Grafana plugins which should be installed |
| `grafana_alert_notifications` | [] | List of alert notification channels to be created, updated, or deleted |
Data source example:
- name: prometheus
type: prometheus
access: proxy
url: 'http://{{ prometheus_web_listen_address }}'
basicAuth: false
Dashboard example:
- dashboard_id: 111
revision_id: 1
datasource: prometheus
Alert notification channel example:
**NOTE**: setting the variable `grafana_alert_notifications` will only come into
effect when `grafana_use_provisioning` is `true`. That means the new
provisioning system using config files, which is available starting from Grafana
v5.0, needs to be in use.
- name: Channel 1
type: email
uid: channel1
is_default: false
send_reminder: false
addresses: ""
autoResolve: true
- name: Channel 2
uid: channel2
## Supported CPU Architectures
Historically packages were taken from different channels according to CPU architecture. Specifically, armv6/armv7 and aarch64/arm64 packages were via [unofficial packages distributed by fg2it]( Now that Grafana publishes official ARM builds, all packages are taken from the official [Debian/Ubuntu]( or [RPM]( packages.
## Example
### Playbook
Fill in the admin password field with your choice, the Grafana web page won't ask to change it at the first login.
- hosts: all
- role: grafana.grafana.grafana
admin_user: admin
admin_password: enter_your_secure_password
## Local Testing
The preferred way of locally testing the role is to use Docker and [molecule]( You will have to install Docker on your system.
For more information about molecule go to their [docs](
## License
This project is licensed under MIT License. See [LICENSE](/LICENSE) for more details.
## Credits
This role was migrated from [cloudalchemy.grafana](