import fs from "fs"; import FormData from "form-data"; import got, { OptionsOfJSONResponseBody, Response } from "got"; import stream from "stream"; import { promisify } from "util"; import logger from "../config/winston.js"; import messageManager from "../tools/messageManager.js"; import * as settingsTools from "../tools/settingsTools.js"; import * as statusTools from "../tools/status.js"; import { NewPartialBackupPayload } from "../types/services/ha_os_payload.js"; import { AddonModel, BackupDetailModel, BackupModel, CoreInfoBody } from "../types/services/ha_os_response.js"; import { Status } from "../types/status.js"; const pipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline); const token = process.env.SUPERVISOR_TOKEN; // Default timeout to 90min const create_snap_timeout = process.env.CREATE_BACKUP_TIMEOUT ? parseInt(process.env.CREATE_BACKUP_TIMEOUT) : 90 * 60 * 1000; function getVersion(): Promise> { return got("http://hassio/core/info", { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, responseType: "json", }).then( (result) => { return result; }, (error) => { messageManager.error( "Fail to fetch Home Assistant version", error?.message ); logger.error(`Fail to fetch Home Assistant version`); logger.error(error); return error; } ); } function getAddonList(): Promise> { const option: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, responseType: "json", }; return got<{ addons: AddonModel[] }>("http://hassio/addons", option).then( (result) => { result.body.addons.sort((a, b) => { const textA =; const textB =; return textA < textB ? -1 : textA > textB ? 1 : 0; }); return result; }, (error) => { messageManager.error("Fail to fetch addons list", error?.message); logger.error(`Fail to fetch addons list (${error?.message})`); logger.error(error); return error; } ); } function getAddonToBackup() { const excluded_addon = settingsTools.getSettings().exclude_addon; return getAddonList().then((response) => { const slugs: string[] = []; for (const addon of response.body.addons) { if (!excluded_addon.includes(addon.slug)) slugs.push(addon.slug); } logger.debug("Addon to backup:"); logger.debug(slugs); return slugs; }); } function getFolderList() { return [ { name: "Home Assistant configuration", slug: "homeassistant", }, { name: "SSL", slug: "ssl", }, { name: "Share", slug: "share", }, { name: "Media", slug: "media", }, { name: "Local add-ons", slug: "addons/local", }, ]; } function getFolderToBackup() { const excluded_folder = settingsTools.getSettings().exclude_folder; const all_folder = getFolderList(); const slugs = []; for (const folder of all_folder) { if (!excluded_folder.includes(folder.slug)) slugs.push(folder.slug); } logger.debug("Folders to backup:"); logger.debug(slugs); return slugs; } function getBackups(): Promise> { const option: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, responseType: "json", }; return got<{ backups: BackupModel[] }>("http://hassio/backups", option).then( (result) => { return result; }, (error) => { messageManager.error("Fail to fetch Hassio backups", error?.message); return error; } ); } function downloadSnapshot(id: string): Promise {`Downloading snapshot ${id}...`); if (!fs.existsSync("./temp/")) { fs.mkdirSync("./temp/"); } const tmp_file = `./temp/${id}.tar`; const stream = fs.createWriteStream(tmp_file); const status = statusTools.getStatus(); status.status = "download"; status.progress = 0; statusTools.setStatus(status); const option = { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, }; return pipeline( .get(`http://hassio/backups/${id}/download`, option) .on("downloadProgress", (e) => { const percent = Math.round(e.percent * 100) / 100; if (status.progress !== percent) { status.progress = percent; statusTools.setStatus(status); } }), stream ).then( () => {"Download success !"); status.progress = 1; statusTools.setStatus(status); logger.debug( "Snapshot dl size : " + fs.statSync(tmp_file).size / 1024 / 1024 ); return tmp_file; }, (reason) => { fs.unlinkSync(tmp_file); messageManager.error( "Fail to download Home Assistant backup", reason.message ); return reason; } ); } function delSnap(id: string): Promise> { const option = { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, }; return got.delete(`http://hassio/backups/${id}`, option).then( (result) => { return result; }, (reason) => { messageManager.error( "Fail to delete Homme assistant backup detail.", reason.message ); logger.error("Fail to retrive Homme assistant backup detail."); logger.error(reason); return reason; } ); } function checkSnap(id: string): Promise> { const option: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, responseType: "json", }; return got( `http://hassio/backups/${id}/info`, option ).then( (result) => {"Backup found !"); logger.debug(`Backup size: ${result.body.size}`); return result; }, (reason) => { messageManager.error( "Fail to retrive Homme assistant backup detail.", reason.message ); logger.error("Fail to retrive Homme assistant backup detail"); logger.error(reason); return reason; } ); } function createNewBackup( name: string, addonSlugs: string[], folders: string[] ): Promise> { const status = statusTools.getStatus(); status.status = "creating"; status.progress = -1; statusTools.setStatus(status);"Creating new snapshot..."); const body: NewPartialBackupPayload = { name: name, addons: addonSlugs, folders: folders, }; const password_protected = settingsTools.getSettings().password_protected; logger.debug(`Is password protected ? ${password_protected}`); if (password_protected === "true") { body.password = settingsTools.getSettings().password_protect_value; } const option: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, responseType: "json", timeout: { response: create_snap_timeout, }, json: body, }; return got .post<{ slug: string }>(`http://hassio/backups/new/partial`, option) .then( (result) => {`Snapshot created with id ${result.body.slug}`); return result; }, (reason) => { messageManager.error("Fail to create new backup.", reason.message); logger.error("Fail to create new backup"); logger.error(reason); return reason; } ); } function clean(backups: BackupModel[]) { const promises = []; let limit = settingsTools.getSettings().auto_clean_local_keep; if (limit == null) { limit = 5; } if (backups.length < limit) { return; } backups.sort((a, b) => { return < ? 1 : -1; }); const toDel = backups.slice(limit); for (const i of toDel) { promises.push(delSnap(i.slug)); }"Local clean done."); return Promise.allSettled(promises).then((values) => { let errors = false; for (const val of values) { if (val.status == "rejected") { messageManager.error("Fail to delete backup", val.reason); logger.error("Fail to delete backup"); logger.error(val.reason); errors = true; } } if (errors) { messageManager.error("Fail to clean backups in Home Assistant"); logger.error("Fail to clean backups in Home Assistant"); return Promise.reject(); } }); } function uploadSnapshot(path: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const status = statusTools.getStatus(); status.progress = 0; statusTools.setStatus(status);"Uploading backup..."); const stream = fs.createReadStream(path); const form = new FormData(); form.append("file", stream); const options = { body: form, headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, }; .post(`http://hassio/backups/new/upload`, options) .on("uploadProgress", (e) => { const percent = e.percent; if (status.progress !== percent) { status.progress = percent; statusTools.setStatus(status); } if (percent >= 1) {"Upload done..."); } }) .on("response", (res) => { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { logger.error(status.message); fs.unlinkSync(path); reject(status.message); } else {`...Upload finish ! (status: ${res.statusCode})`); fs.unlinkSync(path); resolve(res); } }) .on("error", (err) => { fs.unlinkSync(path); messageManager.error( "Fail to upload backup to Home Assistant", err?.message ); logger.error("Fail to upload backup to Home Assistant"); logger.error(err); reject(err); }); }); } function stopAddons(addonSlugs: string[]) {"Stopping addons..."); const promises = []; const option: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, responseType: "json", }; for (const addon of addonSlugs) { if (addon !== "") { logger.debug(`... Stopping addon ${addon}`); promises.push(`http://hassio/addons/${addon}/stop`, option)); } } return Promise.allSettled(promises).then((values) => { let errors = false; for (const val of values) { if (val.status == "rejected") { messageManager.error("Fail to stop addon", val.reason); logger.error("Fail to stop addon"); logger.error(val.reason); errors = true; } } if (errors) { messageManager.error("Fail to stop addon"); logger.error("Fail to stop addon"); return Promise.reject(); } }); } function startAddons(addonSlugs: string[]) {"Starting addons..."); const status = statusTools.getStatus(); status.status = "starting"; status.progress = -1; statusTools.setStatus(status); const promises = []; const option: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, responseType: "json", }; for (const addon of addonSlugs) { if (addon !== "") { logger.debug(`... Starting addon ${addon}`); promises.push(`http://hassio/addons/${addon}/start`, option)); } } return Promise.allSettled(promises).then((values) => { let errors = false; for (const val of values) { if (val.status == "rejected") { messageManager.error("Fail to start addon", val.reason); logger.error("Fail to start addon"); logger.error(val.reason); errors = true; } } if (errors) { messageManager.error("Fail to start addon"); logger.error("Fail to start addon"); return Promise.reject(); } }); } function publish_state(state: Status) { // let data_error_sensor = { // state: state.status == "error" ? "on" : "off", // attributes: { // friendly_name: "Nexcloud Backup Error", // device_class: "problem", // error_code: state.error_code, // message: state.message, // icon: state.status == "error" ? "mdi:cloud-alert" : "mdi:cloud-check" // }, // } // let option = { // headers: { "authorization": `Bearer ${token}` }, // responseType: "json", // json: data_error_sensor // }; //`http://hassio/core/api/states/binary_sensor.nextcloud_backup_error`, option) // .then((result) => { // logger.debug('Home assistant sensor updated (error status)'); // }) // .catch((error) => { // logger.error(error); // }); // let icon = "" // switch(state.status){ // case "error": // icon = "mdi:cloud-alert"; // break; // case "download": // case "download-b": // icon = "mdi:cloud-download"; // break; // case "upload": // case "upload-b": // icon = "mdi:cloud-upload"; // break; // case "idle": // icon = "mdi:cloud-check"; // break; // default: // icon = "mdi:cloud-sync"; // break; // } // let data_state_sensor = { // state: state.status, // attributes: { // friendly_name: "Nexcloud Backup Status", // error_code: state.error_code, // message: state.message, // icon: icon, // last_backup: state.last_backup == null || state.last_backup == "" ? "" : new Date(state.last_backup).toISOString(), // next_backup: state.next_backup == null || state.next_backup == "" ? "" : new Date(state.next_backup).toISOString() // }, // } // option.json = data_state_sensor //`http://hassio/core/api/states/sensor.nextcloud_backup_status`, option) // .then((result) => { // logger.debug('Home assistant sensor updated (status)'); // }) // .catch((error) => { // logger.error(error); // }); } export { getVersion, getAddonList, getFolderList, getBackups, downloadSnapshot, createNewBackup, uploadSnapshot, stopAddons, startAddons, clean, publish_state, };