2019-12-06 16:48:15 -08:00

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# Install NGINX.
# Default is true.
nginx_enable: true
# Start NGINX service.
# Default is true.
nginx_start: true
# Print NGINX configuration file to terminal after executing playbook.
nginx_debug_output: false
# Specify which type of NGINX you want to install.
# Options are 'opensource' or 'plus'.
# Default is 'opensource'.
nginx_type: opensource
# Specify which version of NGINX you want to install.
# Default is empty.
# nginx_version: =19-1~bionic
# Specify whether you want to maintain your version of NGINX or upgrade to the latest version.
# Can be used with `nginx_version` to achieve fine tune control on which version of NGINX is installed/used on each playbook execution.
# Using 'present' will install the latest version (or 'nginx_version') of NGINX on a fresh install.
# Using 'latest' will upgrade NGINX to the latest version (that matches your 'nginx_version') of NGINX on every playbook execution.
# Default is present.
nginx_state: present
# Specify repository origin for NGINX Open Source.
# Options are 'nginx_repository' or 'os_repository'.
# Only works if 'nginx_type' is set to 'opensource'.
# Default is nginx_repository.
nginx_install_from: nginx_repository
# Choose where to fetch the NGINX signing key from.
# Default is the official NGINX signing key host.
# nginx_signing_key:
# Specify source repository for NGINX Open Source.
# Only works if 'install_from' is set to 'nginx_repository'.
# Defaults are the official NGINX repositories.
# nginx_repository: deb stretch nginx
# Specify which branch of NGINX Open Source you want to install.
# Options are 'mainline' or 'stable'.
# Only works if 'install_from' is set to 'nginx_repository'.
# Default is mainline.
nginx_branch: mainline
# Location of your NGINX Plus license in your local machine.
# Default is the files folder within the NGINX Ansible role.
certificate: license/nginx-repo.crt
key: license/nginx-repo.key
# Delete NGINX Plus license after installation for security purposes.
# Default is false.
nginx_delete_license: false
# Install NGINX JavaScript, Perl, ModSecurity WAF (NGINX Plus only), GeoIP, Image-Filter, RTMP Media Streaming (NGINX Plus only), and/or XSLT modules.
# Default is false.
njs: false
perl: false
waf: false
geoip: false
image_filter: false
rtmp: false
xslt: false
# Remove previously existing NGINX configuration files.
# Use a list of paths you wish to remove.
# Default is false.
nginx_cleanup_config: false
- /etc/nginx/conf.d