Alessandro Fael Garcia 3b6c744166
Delete NGINX Plus repository when license is deleted (#204)
This fixes a bug when only the license is deleted, making system updates fail since the NGINX Plus repository is still within the repositories list yet there is no license to authenticate to the repository
2019-12-11 12:45:12 -08:00

97 lines
2.7 KiB

- import_tasks: prerequisites/install-prerequisites.yml
tags: nginx_prerequisites
- import_tasks: keys/apt-key.yml
- ansible_os_family == "Debian"
- nginx_install_from == "nginx_repository"
or nginx_amplify_enable
or nginx_controller_enable
or nginx_unit_enable
tags: nginx_aptkey
- import_tasks: keys/rpm-key.yml
- ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
or ansible_os_family == "Suse"
- nginx_install_from == "nginx_repository"
or nginx_amplify_enable
or nginx_controller_enable
or nginx_unit_enable
tags: nginx_rpmkey
- import_tasks: keys/apk-key.yml
when: ansible_os_family == "Alpine"
tags: nginx_apkkey
- name: "(Install: Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS/RedHat/FreeBSD) Install NGINX"
- import_tasks: opensource/install-oss.yml
when: nginx_type == "opensource"
tags: nginx_install_oss
- import_tasks: plus/install-plus.yml
when: nginx_type == "plus"
tags: nginx_install_plus
- import_tasks: conf/cleanup-config.yml
when: nginx_cleanup_config | bool
tags: nginx_cleanup_config
- import_tasks: conf/upload-config.yml
when: nginx_main_upload_enable
or nginx_http_upload_enable
or nginx_stream_upload_enable
or nginx_html_upload_enable
or nginx_ssl_upload_enable
tags: nginx_upload_config
- import_tasks: conf/template-config.yml
when: nginx_main_template_enable
or nginx_http_template_enable
or nginx_stream_template_enable
or nginx_rest_api_enable
tags: nginx_template_config
- import_tasks: conf/setup-status.yml
when: nginx_status_enable | bool
tags: nginx_setup_status
- import_tasks: modules/install-modules.yml
when: true in nginx_modules.values()
tags: nginx_install_modules
- import_tasks: conf/debug-output.yml
when: nginx_debug_output | bool
tags: nginx_debug_output
- import_tasks: plus/delete-license.yml
- nginx_type == "plus"
- nginx_delete_license
tags: nginx_delete_license
when: nginx_enable | bool
- import_tasks: amplify/install-amplify.yml
- nginx_amplify_enable | bool
- nginx_amplify_api_key is defined
- nginx_amplify_api_key | length > 0
tags: nginx_install_amplify
- import_tasks: controller/install-controller.yml
- nginx_controller_enable | bool
- nginx_controller_api_key is defined
- nginx_controller_api_key | length > 0
- nginx_controller_api_endpoint is defined
- nginx_controller_api_endpoint | length > 0
tags: nginx_install_controller
- import_tasks: unit/install-unit.yml
when: nginx_unit_enable | bool
tags: nginx_install_unit