--- name-template: "$RESOLVED_VERSION" tag-template: "$RESOLVED_VERSION" categories: - title: "💣 Breaking Changes" labels: - "breaking change" - title: "🔔 Deprecation Warnings" labels: - "deprecation" - title: "🚀 Features" labels: - "feature" - title: "🎉 Enhancements" labels: - "enhancement" - title: "🐛 Bug Fixes" labels: - "bug" - title: "📝 Documentation" labels: - "documentation" - title: "⬆️ Dependencies" labels: - "dependencies" exclude-labels: - "skip-changelog" version-resolver: minor: labels: - "breaking change" - "deprecation" patch: labels: - "bug" - "dependencies" - "documentation" - "feature" - "enhancement" default: patch autolabeler: - label: "breaking change" body: - "/breaking/i" - label: "deprecation" branch: - "/deprecate\/.+/" title: - "/deprecate/i" - label: "feature" branch: - "/feat\/.+/" - "/feature\/.+/" - "/implement\/.+/" title: - "/feat/i" - "/feature/i" - "/implement/i" - label: "enhancement" branch: - "/add\/.+/" - "/enhancement\/.+/" title: - "/add/i" - "/enhancement/i" - label: "bug" branch: - "/fix\/.+/" title: - "/fix/i" - label: "documentation" branch: - "/docs\/.+/" files: - "*.md" title: - "/docs/i" - "/documentation/i" - label: "dependencies" files: - ".github/workflows/requirements/*" branch: - "/bump\/.+/" - "/update\/.+/" title: - "/bump/i" - "/update/i" template: | 👾 *Help make the NGINX Ansible role better by participating in our [survey](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=L_093Ttq0UCb4L-DJ9gcUKLQ7uTJaE1PitM_37KR881UM0NCWkY5UlE5MUYyWU1aTUcxV0NRUllJSC4u)!* 👾 ## What's new in NGINX's Ansible role $RESOLVED_VERSION! $CHANGES ## Install & Upgrade * To install the Ansible NGINX role on a fresh environment, run `ansible-galaxy install nginxinc.nginx`. * To upgrade the Ansible NGINX role to the latest release, run `ansible-galaxy install -f nginxinc.nginx`. * To install or upgrade to this specific Ansible NGINX role release ($RESOLVED_VERSION), run `ansible-galaxy install -f nginxinc.nginx,v$RESOLVED_VERSION`. ## Resources * Functional configuration examples (check `converge.yml` under each `molecule` scenario) -- [github.com/nginxinc/ansible-role-nginx/tree/$RESOLVED_VERSION/molecule](https://github.com/nginxinc/ansible-role-nginx/tree/$RESOLVED_VERSION/molecule). * Ansible Galaxy repository -- [galaxy.ansible.com/nginxinc/nginx](https://galaxy.ansible.com/nginxinc/nginx). * NGINX Ansible role & collection introductory blog -- [nginx.com/blog/announcing-nginx-core-collection-ansible](https://www.nginx.com/blog/announcing-nginx-core-collection-ansible). * NGINX: Better with Ansible demo -- [github.com/alessfg/nginx-ansible-demo](https://github.com/alessfg/nginx-ansible-demo).