--- - name: "(Install: All OSs) Fetch NGINX Controller API Key" uri: url: "https://{{ nginx_controller_endpoint }}/sapi/auth/login/" method: "POST" body: email: "{{ nginx_controller_user_email }}" password: "{{ nginx_controller_password }}" body_format: json return_content: yes status_code: 200 validate_certs: false register: controller_return - name: "(Install: All OSs) Download the NGINX Controller Agent Installer Script" get_url: url: "https://{{ nginx_controller_endpoint }}:8443/1.4/install/controller/" dest: /tmp/install.sh validate_certs: no force: yes - name: "(Install: All OSs) Run the NGINX Controller Agent Installer Script" command: "sh ./install.sh -y" args: chdir: /tmp creates: /var/log/nginx-controller/agent.log environment: API_KEY: "{{ controller_return.json.api_key }}"