--- # Install NGINX Controller Agent. # Requires NGINX Plus and write access to the NGINX Plus REST API. nginx_controller_enable: false # Set the source from where to pull the NGINX Controller Agent. # Options are 'instance', to pull the NGINX Controller Agent install script # from your NGINX Controller instance, or 'repository', to pull the NGINX # Controller Agent from the NGINX repository. # Default is instance. nginx_controller_source: instance # Set your NGINX Controller Endpoint. Required for both types of NGINX Controller # installation. nginx_controller_endpoint: null # Set your NGINX Controller API key. # Required when 'nginx_controller_source' is set to 'repository'. # Default is null. nginx_controller_api_key: null # Set your NGINX Controller Admin Email and Password. # Required when 'nginx_controller_source' is set to 'instance'. nginx_controller_user_email: null nginx_controller_password: null