--- - import_tasks: prerequisites/install-prerequisites.yml - import_tasks: keys/apt-key.yml when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" - import_tasks: keys/rpm-key.yml when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" or ansible_os_family == "Suse" - name: "(Install: Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS/RedHat/FreeBSD) Install NGINX" block: - import_tasks: opensource/install-oss.yml when: type == "opensource" - import_tasks: plus/install-plus.yml when: type == "plus" - import_tasks: modules/install-modules.yml when: true in modules.values() - import_tasks: conf/push-config.yml when: main_push_enable or http_push_enable or stream_push_enable - import_tasks: conf/template-config.yml when: main_template_enable or http_template_enable or stream_template_enable - import_tasks: conf/setup-status.yml when: status_enable - import_tasks: conf/setup-rest-api.yml when: rest_api_enable and type == "plus" when: nginx_enable - import_tasks: amplify/install-amplify.yml when: amplify_enable and amplify_key is defined and amplify_key - import_tasks: controller/install-controller.yml when: controller_enable and controller_license is defined and controller_license and controller_api_url is defined and controller_api_url - import_tasks: unit/install-unit.yml when: unit_enable