# Additional Examples ## Custom SSH key for backups only ``` - hosts: webservers roles: - role: m3nu.ansible_role_borgbackup borg_encryption_passphrase: CHANGEME borg_repository: ssh://m5vz9gp4@m5vz9gp4.repo.borgbase.com/./repo borgmatic_timer: systemd borg_ssh_key_name: id_backup borg_ssh_command: "ssh -i {{ borg_ssh_key_file_path }} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new" borg_user: backupuser borg_group: backupuser ``` ## Use service user and copy SSH key to target server Installs and configures the Borgmatic client and also initializes the repo on the remote backup server. (not tested) ``` - name: Configure backup hosts: test.lab pre_tasks: - name: Get home of {{ borg_user }} ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ borg_user }}" state: present register: user_info changed_when: false check_mode: true # Important, otherwise user will be created - name: Save the user_info, we need them for the home_dir ansible.builtin.set_fact: backup_user_info: "{{ user_info }}" vars_files: [] vars: borg_encryption_passphrase: "CHANGEME" borg_repository: "USER@TARGET_SERVER:/PATH/TO/BACKUP" borg_user: "srv_backup" borg_group: "srv_backup" borg_ssh_key_name: id_backup borg_ssh_command: "ssh -i {{ borg_ssh_key_file_path }} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new" borgmatic_timer: systemd borg_source_directories: - /srv/www - /var/lib/automysqlbackup borg_exclude_patterns: - /srv/www/old-sites borg_retention_policy: keep_hourly: 3 keep_daily: 7 keep_weekly: 4 keep_monthly: 6 borgmatic_hooks: before_backup: - echo "`date` - Starting backup." tasks: - name: Configure Borg Backup and Backupmatic tags: - always - install_backup ansible.builtin.include_role: name: ansible_role_borgbackup apply: tags: - always - name: Copy SSH-Key to Target {{ borg_repository }} and Init Repo tags: - never - backup_init_repo block: - name: Read ssh key ansible.builtin.slurp: src: "{{ borg_ssh_key_file_path }}.pub" register: backup_local_ssh_key - name: Set authorized key taken from file ansible.posix.authorized_key: # example: # borg_repository: m5vz9gp4@m5vz9gp4.repo.borgbase.com:repo # have three parts: "username"@"FQDN":"path/to/store/backup", specific: # a) user: m5vz9gp4 # b) fqdn: m5vz9gp4.repo.borgbase.co # c) dir: repo user: "{{ borg_repository | regex_search('(.*)@', '\\1') | first }}" # part a) state: present key: "{{ backup_local_ssh_key['content'] | b64decode }}" delegate_to: "{{ borg_repository | regex_search('@(.*):', '\\1') | first }}" # part b) - name: Init repository ansible.builtin.command: cmd: "su - {{ borg_user }} -c '/usr/local/bin/borgmatic rcreate --encryption keyfile --append-only'" - name: Activate systemd service and timer when: - borgmatic_timer is defined and borgmatic_timer == "systemd" tags: - never - backup_init_repo block: - name: Populate service facts ansible.builtin.service_facts: - name: Start borgmatic services ansible.builtin.systemd: name: "{{ item }}" state: started enabled: true masked: false daemon_reload: true when: "item in services" with_items: - borgmatic.service # bug: Need own section without masked else the timer are skipped - name: Start borgmatic timers ansible.builtin.systemd: name: "{{ item }}" state: started enabled: true daemon_reload: true with_items: - "borgmatic.timer" ```