--- borg_encryption_passphrase: '' borg_exclude_patterns: [] borgmatic_config_name: config.yaml borgmatic_large_repo: true borgmatic_failure_command: - echo "`date` - Error while creating a backup." borgmatic_before_backup_command: - echo "`date` - Starting backup." borgmatic_after_backup_command: - echo "`date` - Finished backup." borgmatic_checks: - repository borgmatic_check_last: 3 borgmatic_store_atime: true borgmatic_store_ctime: true borgmatic_relocated_repo_access_is_ok: false borgmatic_hooks: [] borg_one_file_system: true borg_exclude_from: [] borg_encryption_passcommand: false borg_lock_wait_time: 5 borg_ssh_command: false borg_remote_path: false borg_remote_rate_limit: 0 borg_retention_policy: keep_hourly: 3 keep_daily: 7 keep_weekly: 4 keep_monthly: 6 create_repo: False ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_ed25519 bb_new_sshkey: True bb_append: True bb_quota: False bb_quota_size: 0 bb_alertdays: 0 bb_repo_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" bb_sshkey: "{{ root_user['ssh_public_key'] }}" borgmatic_cron_name: borgmatic borgmatic_cron_hour: "{{ 6 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" borgmatic_cron_minute: "{{ 59 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" borgmatic_cron_checks_day: "{{ range(1, 28) | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" borgmatic_cron_checks_hour: "{{ range(9, 24) | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" borgmatic_cron_checks_minute: "{{ 59 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" # the following are optional and defined by the user as needed # borg_archive_name_format: '{hostname}-{now}' # borg_prune_prefix: '{hostname}-' # borg_check_prefix: '{hostname}-'