# coding=utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import ### (Don't forget to remove me) # This is a basic skeleton for your plugin's __init__.py. You probably want to adjust the class name of your plugin # as well as the plugin mixins it's subclassing from. This is really just a basic skeleton to get you started, # defining your plugin as a template plugin, settings and asset plugin. Feel free to add or remove mixins # as necessary. # # Take a look at the documentation on what other plugin mixins are available. import octoprint.plugin class SimpleemergencystopPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin, octoprint.plugin.TemplatePlugin, octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin, octoprint.plugin.AssetPlugin, octoprint.plugin.SimpleApiPlugin): def __init__(self): self.emergencyGCODE = "" def get_settings_defaults(self): return dict( emergencyGCODE="M112" ) def on_settings_save(self, data): octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin.on_settings_save(self,data) self.emergencyGCODE = self._settings.get(["emergencyGCODE"]) def on_after_startup(self): self.emergencyGCODE = self._settings.get(["emergencyGCODE"]) def get_template_configs(self): return [ #dict(type="navbar", custom_bindings=False), dict(type="settings", custom_bindings=False) ] def get_api_commands(self): return dict( emergencyStop=[] ) def on_api_command(self, command, data): self._printer.commands(self.emergencyGCODE) def get_assets(self): return dict( js=["js/simpleemergencystop.js"], ) ##~~ Softwareupdate hook def get_update_information(self): # Define the configuration for your plugin to use with the Software Update # Plugin here. See https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/wiki/Plugin:-Software-Update # for details. return dict( simpleemergencystop=dict( displayName="Simple Emergency Stop", displayVersion=self._plugin_version, # version check: github repository type="github_release", user="BrokenFire", repo="OctoPrint-SimpleEmergencyStop", current=self._plugin_version, # update method: pip pip="https://github.com/BrokenFire/OctoPrint-SimpleEmergencyStop/archive/{target_version}.zip" ) ) # If you want your plugin to be registered within OctoPrint under a different name than what you defined in setup.py # ("OctoPrint-PluginSkeleton"), you may define that here. Same goes for the other metadata derived from setup.py that # can be overwritten via __plugin_xyz__ control properties. See the documentation for that. __plugin_name__ = "Simple Emergency Stop" def __plugin_load__(): global __plugin_implementation__ __plugin_implementation__ = SimpleemergencystopPlugin() global __plugin_hooks__ __plugin_hooks__ = { "octoprint.plugin.softwareupdate.check_config": __plugin_implementation__.get_update_information }