/* * View model for OctoPrint-Simpleemergencystop * * Author: Sebastien Clement * License: AGPLv3 */ $(function () { function SimpleemergencystopViewModel(parameters) { this.settings = undefined; this.allSettings = parameters[0]; this.loginState = parameters[1]; this.printerState = parameters[2]; this.confirmation = undefined; this.onAfterBinding = function () { }; this.onBeforeBinding = function () { this.confirmation = $("#confirmation"); this.settings = this.allSettings.settings.plugins.simpleemergencystop; }; this.click = function () { if (!this.can_send_command()) return; if (this.settings.confirmationDialog()) this.confirmation.modal("show"); else this.sendCommand() }; this.sendCommand = function () { $.ajax({ url: API_BASEURL + "plugin/simpleemergencystop", type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify({ command: "emergencyStop" }), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", success: function (data, status) { } }); this.confirmation.modal("hide"); }; this.big_button_visible = function () { return this.loginState.isUser() && this.settings.big_button() }; this.little_button_visible = function () { return this.loginState.isUser() && !this.settings.big_button() }; this.can_send_command = function () { return this.loginState.isUser() && this.printerState.isOperational() }; this.little_button_css = function () { return this.printerState.isOperational() ? "ses_small" : "ses_small_disabled"; }; this.big_button_css = function () { return this.printerState.isOperational() ? "ses_big" : "ses_big ses_big_disabled"; }; this.get_title = function () { return this.printerState.isOperational() ? gettext('!!! Emergency Stop !!! ') : gettext('Printer disconnected') } } // view model class, parameters for constructor, container to bind to OCTOPRINT_VIEWMODELS.push([ SimpleemergencystopViewModel, ["settingsViewModel", "loginStateViewModel", "printerStateViewModel"], ["#navbar_plugin_simpleemergencystop"] ]); });