var savedPlaylist; var error = false; var state; $(document).ready(function() { setInterval("getCurentMusic()",1000); // the "href" attribute of the modal trigger must specify the modal ID that wants to be triggered $('.modal').modal(); $('.button-collapse-1').sideNav({ menuWidth: 400, // Default is 300 edge: 'right', // Choose the horizontal origin closeOnClick: false, // Closes side-nav on clicks, useful for Angular/Meteor draggable: true // Choose whether you can drag to open on touch screens, }); var height = $( window ).height(); $('#btn_play').click(function () { switch (state){ case "PLAYING": sendCommand(JSON.stringify({ command: "PAUSE"})) break; case "PAUSE": sendCommand(JSON.stringify({ command: "PLAY"})) break; } }) $('#btn_next').click(function () { sendCommand(JSON.stringify({ command: "NEXT"})); }) $('#btn_stop').click(function () { sendCommand(JSON.stringify({ command: "STOP"})); }) $('.dropdown-button').dropdown({ inDuration: 300, outDuration: 225, constrainWidth: false, // Does not change width of dropdown to that of the activator hover: false, // Activate on hover gutter: 0, // Spacing from edge belowOrigin: false, // Displays dropdown below the button alignment: 'left', // Displays dropdown with edge aligned to the left of button stopPropagation: false // Stops event propagation } ); $('#input_link').on("input", function () { if($('#input_link').val() == ""){ if (!$('#btn_add_bottom').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_add_bottom').addClass("disabled"); } if (!$('#btn_add_top').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_add_top').addClass("disabled"); } } else{ if ($('#btn_add_bottom').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_add_bottom').removeClass("disabled"); } if ($('#btn_add_top').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_add_top').removeClass("disabled"); } } }); $('#btn_add_top').click(function () { var command = { command: "ADD", url: $('#input_link').val(), playlistLimit: $('#limit_range').val(), onHead: true }; sendCommand(JSON.stringify(command)); }) $('#btn_add_bottom').click(function () { var command = { command: "ADD", url: $('#input_link').val(), playlistLimit: $('#limit_range').val(), onHead: false }; sendCommand(JSON.stringify(command)); }) }) function getCurentMusic() { $.get("api/music/currentMusicInfo", function (data) { }).done(function (data) { // alert( "second success" ); // console.log(data); state = data.state; switch (data.state) { case "STOP": $('#music_text').text("Connected on Vocal Channel"); if (!$('#btn_info').hasClass("indeterminate")) { $('#btn_info').addClass("determinate").removeClass("indeterminate"); } $('#music_progress').width("0%"); $('#btn_play').children().text("play_arrow"); if (!$('#btn_stop').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_stop').addClass("disabled"); } if (!$('#btn_info').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_info').addClass("disabled"); } if ($('#add_btn').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#add_btn').removeClass("disabled"); } $('#music_img').attr("src","/img/no_music.jpg"); break; case "PLAYING": $('#btn_play').children().text("pause"); updateControl(data); break; case "PAUSE": $('#btn_play').children().text("play_arrow"); updateControl(data); break; case "LOADING": if (!$('#btn_info').hasClass("determinate")) { $('#btn_info').addClass("indeterminate").removeClass("determinate"); } break; case "DISCONNECTED": $('#music_text').text("Disconnected from Vocal"); if (!$('#btn_info').hasClass("indeterminate")) { $('#btn_info').addClass("determinate").removeClass("indeterminate"); } $('#music_progress').width("0%"); $('#btn_play').children().text("play_arrow"); if (!$('#btn_play').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_play').addClass("disabled"); } if (!$('#btn_stop').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_stop').addClass("disabled"); } if (!$('#btn_next').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_next').addClass("disabled"); } if (!$('#btn_info').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_info').addClass("disabled"); } if (!$('#add_btn').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#add_btn').addClass("disabled"); } $('#music_img').attr("src","/img/disconnected.png"); break; } getPlayList(); }) .fail(function (data) { if(!error){ alert("Connection lost, I keep trying to refresh!"); error = true; } }) } function getPlayList() { $.get("api/music/getPlaylist", function (data) { }).done(function (data) { data = data.list; if(data != null && data.length != 0){ var noUpdate = comparePlaylist(data, savedPlaylist); if(!noUpdate){ savedPlaylist = data; $('#playlist_list').empty(); data.forEach(function(element){ var template = $('#playlist_template').clone(); template.removeAttr("id"); template.removeAttr("style"); var content = template.html(); content = content.replace("@title", element.title); content = content.replace("@author",; content = content.replace("@lenght", msToTime(element.length)); content = content.replace("@url", element.uri) template.html(content); $('#playlist_list').append(template); }); } } else $('#playlist_list').empty(); }); } function updateModal(data){ $('#modal_title').text("Title: "+; $('#modal_author').text("Author: "+; $('#modal_lenght').text("Duration: "+ msToTime(; $('#modal_url').text("URL: "+; } function updateControl(data){ $('#music_text').text(; var percent = (data.currentPos / * 100; // console.log(percent) if (!$('#btn_info').hasClass("indeterminate")) { $('#btn_info').addClass("determinate").removeClass("indeterminate"); } $('#music_progress').width(percent + "%"); if ($('#btn_play').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_play').removeClass("disabled"); } if ($('#btn_stop').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_stop').removeClass("disabled"); } if ($('#btn_info').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_info').removeClass("disabled"); } if ($('#add_btn').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#add_btn').removeClass("disabled"); } if ($('#btn_next').hasClass("disabled")) { $('#btn_next').removeClass("disabled"); } $('#music_img').attr("src","""/hqdefault.jpg"); updateModal(data); } function sendCommand(commandStr){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', url: "/api/music/command", data: commandStr, success: function (data) { console.log(data); } }).fail(function (data) { console.log(data); alert(data.responseJSON.Message); }); } function comparePlaylist(list1, list2){ if(list1 == null || list2 == null){ return false; } if(list1.length != list2.length){ return false; } for(var i = 0; i++; i < list1.length){ if(list1[i].uri != list2[i].uri) return false } return true; } function msToTime(duration) { var milliseconds = parseInt((duration%1000)/100) , seconds = parseInt((duration/1000)%60) , minutes = parseInt((duration/(1000*60))%60) , hours = parseInt((duration/(1000*60*60))%24); hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : hours; minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes; seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds; if(hours > 0 ) return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; else return minutes + ":" + seconds; }