Dependency Dashboard #12

opened 2024-01-02 03:07:28 +01:00 by renovate-bot · 0 comments

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

  • node 20
  • actions/checkout v4
  • docker/metadata-action v5
  • docker/login-action v3
  • docker/build-push-action v6
  • @mdi/font 7.4.47
  • @types/js-cookie 3.0.6
  • @types/uuid 10.0.0
  • axios 1.7.2
  • jose 5.6.2
  • js-cookie 3.0.5
  • pinia 2.1.7
  • pinia-plugin-persistedstate 3.2.1
  • roboto-fontface ^0.10.0
  • uuid 10.0.0
  • vue 3.4.30
  • vue-router 4.4.0
  • vuetify 3.6.10
  • webfontloader 1.6.28
  • @rushstack/eslint-patch 1.10.3
  • @types/jsdom 21.1.7
  • @types/node 20.14.9
  • @types/webfontloader 1.6.38
  • @vitejs/plugin-vue 5.0.5
  • @vue/eslint-config-prettier 9.0.0
  • @vue/eslint-config-typescript 13.0.0
  • @vue/test-utils 2.4.6
  • @vue/tsconfig 0.5.1
  • eslint 9.6.0
  • eslint-plugin-vue 9.27.0
  • husky 9.0.11
  • jsdom 24.1.0
  • lint-staged 15.2.7
  • pinst 3.0.0
  • prettier 3.3.2
  • sass 1.77.6
  • sass-loader 14.2.1
  • typescript 5.5.3
  • vite 5.3.3
  • vite-plugin-vuetify 2.0.3
  • vitest 1.6.0
  • vue-cli-plugin-vuetify 2.5.8
  • vue-tsc 2.0.24
  • webpack-plugin-vuetify 3.0.3
  • pnpm 9.4.0
  • node 20
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard]( docs to learn more. ## Open These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any. - [ ] <!-- rebase-branch=renovate/jose-5.x -->[:arrow_up: Update dependency jose to v5.6.3](pulls/105) - [ ] <!-- rebase-branch=renovate/vue-monorepo -->[:arrow_up: Update dependency vue to v3.4.31](pulls/103) - [ ] <!-- rebase-branch=renovate/vuetify-3.x -->[:arrow_up: Update dependency vuetify to v3.6.11](pulls/104) - [ ] <!-- rebase-all-open-prs -->**Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once** ## Detected dependencies <details><summary>dockerfile</summary> <blockquote> <details><summary>Dockerfile</summary> - `node 20` </details> </blockquote> </details> <details><summary>github-actions</summary> <blockquote> <details><summary>.gitea/workflows/docker.yml</summary> - `actions/checkout v4` - `docker/metadata-action v5` - `docker/login-action v3` - `docker/build-push-action v6` </details> </blockquote> </details> <details><summary>npm</summary> <blockquote> <details><summary>package.json</summary> - `@mdi/font 7.4.47` - `@types/js-cookie 3.0.6` - `@types/uuid 10.0.0` - `axios 1.7.2` - `jose 5.6.2` - `js-cookie 3.0.5` - `pinia 2.1.7` - `pinia-plugin-persistedstate 3.2.1` - `roboto-fontface ^0.10.0` - `uuid 10.0.0` - `vue 3.4.30` - `vue-router 4.4.0` - `vuetify 3.6.10` - `webfontloader 1.6.28` - `@rushstack/eslint-patch 1.10.3` - `@types/jsdom 21.1.7` - `@types/node 20.14.9` - `@types/webfontloader 1.6.38` - `@vitejs/plugin-vue 5.0.5` - `@vue/eslint-config-prettier 9.0.0` - `@vue/eslint-config-typescript 13.0.0` - `@vue/test-utils 2.4.6` - `@vue/tsconfig 0.5.1` - `eslint 9.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-vue 9.27.0` - `husky 9.0.11` - `jsdom 24.1.0` - `lint-staged 15.2.7` - `pinst 3.0.0` - `prettier 3.3.2` - `sass 1.77.6` - `sass-loader 14.2.1` - `typescript 5.5.3` - `vite 5.3.3` - `vite-plugin-vuetify 2.0.3` - `vitest 1.6.0` - `vue-cli-plugin-vuetify 2.5.8` - `vue-tsc 2.0.24` - `webpack-plugin-vuetify 3.0.3` - `pnpm 9.4.0` </details> </blockquote> </details> <details><summary>woodpecker</summary> <blockquote> <details><summary>.woodpecker/preview.yml</summary> - `node 20` </details> <details><summary>.woodpecker/realease.yml</summary> </details> </blockquote> </details>
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Reference: sebclem/Claptrap-ui#12
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