DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: opnsense_reconfigure_unbound short_description: Ansible action plugin for triggering a reconfiguration of Unbound service in OPNsense. description: - This Ansible action plugin interacts with the OPNsense API to trigger a reconfiguration of the Unbound service. version_added: "2.9" requirements: - Ansible 2.9 or later - Python 2.7 or later - The `requests` library for Python (`pip install requests`) options: opnsense_url: description: - The URL of the OPNsense instance. required: true type: str attributes: - configurable api_key: description: - The API key for authentication. required: true type: str attributes: - no_log api_secret: description: - The API secret for authentication. required: true type: str attributes: - no_log ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Trigger Unbound reconfiguration opnsense_reconfigure_unbound: opnsense_url: http://your-opnsense-ip api_key: your-api-key api_secret: your-api-secret check_mode: false register: result ''' RETURN = ''' changed: description: Indicates whether the Unbound service was reconfigured. type: bool api_response: description: The response from the OPNsense API. type: dict failed: description: Indicates whether the task failed. type: bool msg: description: An error message if the task failed. type: str status_code: description: The HTTP status code of the API response. type: int body: description: The JSON body of the API response. type: dict '''