Role Name
Ansible Role to deploy Grafana Agent on Linux hosts. Using this Role, Grafana Agent can be deployed on Ubunutu, Debian, CentOS and Fedora linux distributions
To use this role, You need a YAML file having the Grafana Agent configuration
Role Variables
A description of the variables for this role.
Variable | Required | Default | Choices | Comments |
install_unzip | no | true | true, false | This will install unzip on the Linux host |
update_package_cache | no | yes | yes, no | Force dnf/apt to check if cache is out of date and redownload if needed. |
agent_version | no | 0.29.0 | 0.29.0, 0.28.1, 0.28.0, 0.27.1, 0.27.0 | Version of the Grafana agent to install |
linux_architecture | no | linux-amd64 | linux-amd64, linux-arm64, linux-armv6, linux-armv7, linux-ppc64le | Type of linux architecture of the remote host |
agent_binary_location | no | /usr/local/bin | Path where the agent binary will be copied to on the remote host | |
agent_config_location | no | /etc/grafana | Path where the agent configuration will be copied to on the remote host | |
agent_config_local_path | yes | agent-config.yml | Path to the agent configuration file on local | |
systemd_service_state | no | restarted | reloaded, restarted, started, stopped | Operation performed on the systemd service |
systemd_config | no | Configuration for grafana-agent systemd service |
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- name: Install Grafana Agent
hosts: all
- name: Install Grafana Agent
name: grafana.grafana.grafana_agent:
agent_config_local_path: ../agent-config.yml