#!/usr/bin/env bash source "$(pwd)/tools/includes/utils.sh" source "./tools/includes/logging.sh" # output the heading heading "Grafana Ansible Collection" "Performing Shell Linting using shellcheck" # check to see if shellcheck is installed if [[ "$(command -v shellcheck)" = "" ]]; then emergency "shellcheck is required if running lint locally, see: (https://shellcheck.net) or run: brew install nvm && nvm install 18"; fi # determine whether or not the script is called directly or sourced (return 0 2>/dev/null) && sourced=1 || sourced=0 statusCode=0 while read -r file; do shellcheck \ --external-sources \ --shell bash \ --source-path "$(dirname "$file")" \ "$file" currentCode="$?" # if the current code is 0, output the file name for logging purposes if [[ "$currentCode" == 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\x1b[32m$file\\x1b[0m: no issues found" else echo "" fi # only override the statusCode if it is 0 if [[ "$statusCode" == 0 ]]; then statusCode="$currentCode" fi done < <(find . -type f -name "*.sh" -not -path "./node_modules/*" -not -path "./.git/*") echo "" echo "" # if the script was called by another, send a valid exit code if [[ "$sourced" == "1" ]]; then return "$statusCode" else exit "$statusCode" fi