--- - name: Grafana Agent group creation block: - name: "Check if the group exists ({{ grafana_agent_user_group }})" ansible.builtin.getent: database: group key: "{{ grafana_agent_user_group }}" fail_key: false - name: Set whether not the user group exists ansible.builtin.set_fact: __grafana_agent_user_group_exists: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_group[grafana_agent_user_group] is not none }}" - name: Add user group "{{ grafana_agent_user_group }}" ansible.builtin.group: name: "{{ grafana_agent_user_group }}" system: true state: present when: not __grafana_agent_user_group_exists and grafana_agent_user_group != 'root' - name: Grafana Agent user group exists ansible.builtin.debug: msg: |- The user group \"{{ grafana_agent_user_group }}\" already exists and will not be modified, if modifying permissions please perform a separate task when: __grafana_agent_user_group_exists - name: Grafana Agent user creation block: - name: "Check if the user exists ({{ grafana_agent_user }})" ansible.builtin.getent: database: passwd key: "{{ grafana_agent_user }}" fail_key: false - name: Set whether not the user exists ansible.builtin.set_fact: __grafana_agent_user_exists: "{{ ansible_facts.getent_passwd[grafana_agent_user] is not none }}" - name: Add user "{{ grafana_agent_user }}" ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ grafana_agent_user }}" comment: "Grafana Agent Account" groups: "{{ [ grafana_agent_user_group ] + grafana_agent_user_groups }}" system: true shell: "{{ grafana_agent_user_shell }}" createhome: "{{ grafana_agent_user_createhome }}" when: not __grafana_agent_user_exists and grafana_agent_user != 'root' - name: Grafana Agent user exists ansible.builtin.debug: msg: |- The user \"{{ grafana_agent_user }}\" already exists and will not be modified, if modifying permissions please perform a separate task when: __grafana_agent_user_exists